Under the aegis of the project "Strategies and Preparedness for Trade and Globalisation in India",Suported by United Nations Conference of Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Department of Comerce, Government of India and Department of International Development (DFID), the Fedaration of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises (FISME) has been intrested to develop an interface between consultants and small and medium enterprises by creating a national database of consultants for SMEs.

The Objective of developing National Database of consultants SMEs to create comprehensive pool of consultants, enabling SMEs to take advantage of especialized services being offered by them, hence improving their compititiveness and to explore to new market avenues.

The pool of the consultants drawn from wide ranging sectors will be available to all stakeholders through an easy multiple search options to reach them.

Consultants having expertise in any of the business functions in any sector and willing to offer commercial services to SMEs, may register their profile Free of Cost in the National Database of Consultants for SME's and serve the fastest growing SMEs market.

>>If you are a consultant and willing to offer commercial services to various stakeholders, may register their profile free of cost

If you are a consultant and willing to offer commercial services to stakeholders including small and medium enterprises in any business portfolio and in any sector, may register their profile free of cost.

Please specify a preferred user name and password for your account.

User Name: *


Password: *


Confirm: *


Category: *


Email: *


Type the code shown below: *
